Somos um ecossistema de transformação social
Join us in the 100 campaign, a year-long journey to bring 100 children home to 100 families.
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Esperança para transformar o futuro
Números de impacto
Somos a maior instituição de impacto positivo do sul da Bahia. Vamos juntos reescrever várias histórias?
Children whose lives we touched
- let's build tomorrow together
Volunteers support this transformation.
We are determined to build a stronger future together by promoting a culture of solidarity and cooperation.
Thanks to our advanced technological infrastructure and expert staff, we offer a wide range of services such as supply chain management, warehousing, distribution, transportation and customs services.
Maine Johnson
Transformando Vidas e Comunidades: Conheça o Instituto Amigos Solidários
O que transmitimos
Solidariedade: Ajudar ao próximo é a base do nosso trabalho. Acreditamos que a solidariedade é a força motriz que une comunidades e transforma vidas. Empatia: Valorizamos a compreensão e o respeito pelas dificuldades alheias, promovendo um ambiente acolhedor e inclusivo. Transparência: Atuamos com clareza e responsabilidade, garantindo que todas as nossas ações e recursos sejam direcionados de maneira justa e eficiente. Inovação: Buscamos constantemente novas formas de abordar e resolver problemas sociais, utilizando métodos criativos e eficientes para maximizar nosso impacto. Comprometimento: Temos um profundo compromisso com a causa que abraçamos, dedicando nossos esforços para alcançar resultados concretos e sustentáveis.
O que nos move
Nossa missão é transformar vidas e comunidades através de programas abrangentes de desenvolvimento humano, capacitação e assistência emergencial. Trabalhamos para oferecer suporte integral às famílias, promover a inclusão social e digital, e garantir a segurança alimentar e o bem-estar das populações mais vulneráveis.
O que buscamos
O propósito do Instituto Amigos Solidários é construir uma sociedade mais justa e igualitária, onde todos tenham acesso às oportunidades necessárias para um desenvolvimento pleno e digno. Nossa atuação visa não apenas atender necessidades imediatas, mas também capacitar indivíduos e comunidades para que se tornem agentes de sua própria transformação, criando um ciclo virtuoso de solidariedade e progresso social. Acreditamos que, através da responsabilidade social, cultura e educação, podemos mudar o mundo e proporcionar um futuro melhor para todos.
Nossos programas sociais
Através dos nossos programas, atuamos em diversas áreas: Desenvolvimento de pessoas, capacitação de comunidades carentes, hub de emergência, assistência a desabrigados, combate à fome e muito mais!
Local Communities
Family Planing
Taking Care of Children
Local Communities
Family Planing
Taking Care of Children
They Need Your Help
- we love what we do
The next generation can access quality healthcare and great education.
Find their passion, teach an understanding of reciprocity, and instill a sense of global citizenship and planetary responsibility. Thanks to our advanced technological infrastructure.
Educational Tool
Educational tools are designed to help children and young people raise awareness about health and education, improve themselves.
Precious Moments
We aim to ensure that future generations experience valuable moments in their lives by focusing on their rights in the field of health.
Dedicated Volunteers
We aim to create change in society and strengthen young people's access to their rights to health and education.
Make Them Happy
We want to make a significant impact on young people's lives, making them happier, healthier and more successful individuals.
- what we do for them
We're work for help Alex get to the water.
Through our collaboration and commitment, we work to ensure that Alex has easy and safe access to his water source. We would be pleased if you would like to support us.
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We’re here to answer any question you may have.
- what we do for them
We're work for help Alex get to the water.
Through our collaboration and commitment, we work to ensure that Alex has easy and safe access to his water source. We would be pleased if you would like to support us.
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We’re here to answer any question you may have.
- what we do for them
We're work for help Alex get to the water.
Through our collaboration and commitment, we work to ensure that Alex has easy and safe access to his water source. We would be pleased if you would like to support us.
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We’re here to answer any question you may have.
- we love what we do
Volunteers around the globe
Our volunteers play an important role by working in a variety of areas, providing outreach to young people,
David Smith
Sarah Johnson
Emily Brown
Kevin Davis
Jennifer Wilson
Lauren Taylor
Chris Martinez
We want to change the world. Why not join us?
- we love what we do
Volunteer in the campaign, a year-long journey to educate children in Africa.
Join us in the 100 campaign, a year-long journey to bring 100 children home to 100 families.
Send a message.
We’re here to answer any question you may have.
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- our latest updates
Empowering change - Dive into our blog
We offer a streamlined process designed to simplifythe steps for those who are eager to volunteer their time and skills.